Poetry – Goblin’s Eyes

In times before we crept from caves

Blinded in the light of days

We turned back to shadow shade

To tinker glass and cover eyes

To see the world as days went by

To see the sun fade to red

And bright stars dance overhead

Then next we tinkered ships to fly

To leave dull caves far behind.

Poetry – The Frog Baron

Such dainty grip on rapier stayed

Once sated in ogre’s gore and gut

And stoic stance muted betrays

The urge to pounce and lunge and cut

Cold in blood and slow to stir

No crown sits on this heavy head

For some must stand at guard it seems

As gentle feet are pooled in red.

Repost: Post-it Poetry – Fall in thought

I don’t know how and I don’t know why, the time it keeps on flitting by. Rushing around with a frown my last post I posted was upside down!

Again I post with fingers crossed that this time it will be right side up, let me know your stance below which way was better…I don’t know.

Job Application

At times I realise I overthink job application questions. See below an example, taking an interview question and turning it into a therapy session. Apologies for the formating, there is nothing to be done about it!

1. Please say something about your own personal development and the key influences which have contributed to making you the person you are:


Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.



I have had so many key influences in my life it is hard to pick which to include in this statement. To avoid this application becoming my memoirs I will try to include my most positive and most negative influences during my development and I apologise in advance if I begin to waffle


Growing up my father was an alcoholic. Despite running his own business and being well read this was and always will be his defining characteristic to me and for this I am embarrassed that I can’t see past it. I watched his problem worsen as I grew taller and witness his, as I now understand it, abusive behaviour towards my sister and mother. He was prone to violence and verbal assault from which I was spared by refusing to confront him. For this I feel guilt and possess a strong disposition to confront negative behaviour when I see it. This was the most negative influence in my life which every day I attempt to prove a positive.


On the other side of my developmental coin I will always remember my year 6 primary school teacher. He wasn’t always the best teacher, sometimes forgetting to teach a lesson at all in a day, but he always encouraged us to find what we thought was interesting in a subject and push ourselves to understand completely. He shouted, but it was his first placement and as I later found out a messy divorce was going on behind the scenes. This man was not perfect, but he tried.